Which is Better a Hosted Website Solution or SelfHosted Website Software

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Visit us at http://ow.ly/tCbpg for more practical and evolutionary business advice for worldchanging entrepreneurs. • SUMMARY • One difficult decision that many small business owners face is whether or not they should pay monthly fees to have their website hosted on a platform that's maintained by a website solutions provider, or whether they should download web software and host the site themselves. Even if you choose to self-host your website, you are still paying monthly fees - to your web host. • In this video, I'll talk about: • The difference between a hosted website solution versus self-hosted website. • The pros and cons of hosted versus self-hosted website solutions. • The two factors you need to consider before you make your decision. • One key consideration if you decide to self-host your website using open-source software that will affect the quality of your life! • TRANSCRIPT • 00:00: Hi. This is Lorna Li, host of Entrepreneurs for a change and welcome back to another in our series, how to build a kickass website. The topic of the day is whether or not you should choose a self-hosted or a hosted platform for your business website. What's the difference? • 00:20: Essentially, a self-hosted website is one that you host on your own servers through your web hosting company. You need to download the software, install it in your server, and then you are responsible for maintaining, upgrading, and fixing your site software. Essentially, you are the 100% owner of your website. All the responsibility falls squarely on your shoulders. When you're going with a hosted solution, the solution provider, the company that's selling you the service is responsible for maintaining the software on their servers. They do all the maintenance, they do all the upgrades and they fix any bugs and hacks that might occur with their software. Typically what this involves is you paying them a monthly service for the privilege of using their solution. • 01:17: Which is better for your work, business website? I think that really depends on two factors. The first is what do you need your website to do? There are many different solutions out there both self-hosted as well as hosted that are fantastic products that can power your business website. So it's important for you to sit down and understand what you want your website to do, whether it's a hosted solution provider or whether it's open through a software that you download... whether or not that solution will do the job. • 02:08: Secondly, and this is incredibly important for small businesses and solopreneurs, is how involved do you want to get in the day-to-day maintenance of your site. Often it's usually not day-to-day but if you have a self-hosted website, there's gonna be maintenance involved and either you are gonna have to maintain your software, fix it, and deal with hacks malware, or you're gonna have to hire someone that will do that for you. That's a lot of time, energy, and money that you may or may not wanna spend or invest in the technical nitty-gritty of maintaining a website. You might just want to focus on the core aspects of your business. And if you're really not technologically savvy and you wanna spend zero time maintaining your website, then a hosted solution is probably best for you. If you do like to have complete control of your website and you don't mind getting into the technical nitty-gritty of it, then having a self-hosted solution might be a good one for you. • 03:20: If you decide to go with the self-hosted software solution and you're choosing to build your website that might be on an open-source software solution then I recommend you choose an open-source software solution that has a really big developer community around it because anytime that you need to make changes to your website or if you need to fix something or update something, you're gonna want to be able to tap in to a big community of developers who can do the job rather than have to search around for a small handful of folk who are qualified to do the job and chances are you're paying them more money every time you need something changed. • Share This Video •    • Which is Better -- a Hosted Website S...   • Subscribe To My Channel • http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... • ======================================= • Lorna Li • Internet Marketing for Changemakers • Join the Movement of Changemaking Entrepreneurs • http://ow.ly/tCcbR • Twitter:   / lornali   • Facebook:   / entrepreneursforachange   • LinkedIn:   / lornali   • Pinterest:   / lornalitribe   • ======================================= • Related Search Terms: • website hosting • webhosting • web host • managed hosting • hosted website • self-hosted website • hosting a website • how to host a website • web site hosting • website host • small business web hosting • business web hosting • hosting website • website hosts • host your own website • hosting your own website • host website • hosting websites


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