Mugimaki flycatcher 白眉黃鶲鴝姬鶲 ムギマキ


The mugimaki flycatcher (Ficedula mugimaki) is a small passerine bird of eastern Asia belonging to the genus Ficedula in the Old World flycatcher family, Muscicapidae. The name mugimaki comes from Japanese and means wheat-sower .[2] The bird is also known as the robin flycatcher. It is 13 to 13.5 centimetres long. It has a rattling call and often flicks its wings and tail. The adult male has blackish upperparts with a short white supercilium behind the eye, a white wing-patch, white edges to the tertials and white at the base of the outer tail-feathers. The breast and throat are orange-red while the belly and undertail-coverts are white. The female is grey-brown above with a pale orange-brown breast and throat. She lacks white in the tail, has one or two pale wingbars rather than a white wing-patch and has a supercilium that is either faint or absent entirely. Young males are similar to the female but have a brighter orange breast, white in the tail and a more obvious supercilium. • Distribution and habitat[edit] • It breeds in eastern Siberia and north-east China. Migrating birds pass through eastern China, Korea and Japan in spring and autumn. The species winters in Southeast Asia, reaching western Indonesia and the Philippines. There is a single record of a vagrant bird in Alaska; on Shemya Island in 1985.[3] A bird in Humberside, England in 1991 was not accepted into Category A, a wild bird, but was put in a Category D, meaning likely to be of captive origin. It was retained in Category D following a review in 2009.[4] • The main habitats are forest and woodland, particularly at higher elevations. It is also found in parks and gardens during migration. It usually occurs alone or in small groups, feeding on flying insects in the tree canopy. • • 鴝姬鶲(學名:Ficedula mugimaki)為鶲科姬鶲屬的鳥類。在中國大陸,分布於內蒙古、東部沿海等地。該物種的模式產地在日本。 • • ムギマキ(麦播、学名:Ficedula mugimaki)は、スズメ目ヒタキ科ヒタキ亜科に分類される鳥類の一種である。ロシア東部からオホーツク海沿岸、サハリン、アムール、中国北東部で繁殖し、冬期は中国南部、東南アジア方面に渡り越冬する。 • 日本では旅鳥として春と秋の渡りの時期に全国各地を通過するが、数は少ない。日本海側の島嶼(舳倉島、対馬等)では、比較的よく観察される。全長約13cm。雄は上面が黒く、眼の後方の眉斑が白く目立つ。喉から腹はオレンジ色で、下腹以下の下面は白色である。雌は上面はオリーブ褐色で、眉斑は不明瞭である。喉から腹は雄に比べると淡いオレンジ色である。繁殖地では針葉樹林に生息し、つがいで縄張りを持つ。高木の枝の上に、鉢型の巣を作る。卵数は4-8個。 • 日本では海辺や山麓の松林で観察されることが多いが、市街地の公園に現れることもある。 • 昆虫類、節足動物等を食べる。時々空中捕食もする。 • 「ピピピ」とさえずる。地鳴きは「ティッ ティッ」。 •


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