Magnetoelectric and multiferroic media Prof Alexander Pyatakov
Prof. Alexander Pyatakov, • M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Physics Faculty • Title: Magnetoelectric and multiferroic media: rich physics behind, and promise for multipurpose applications • Abstract: This lecture introduces students to the concept of magnetoelectricity as opposed to conventional electromagnetism: the basic physical effects underlying the mutual conversion of electricity and magnetism, as well as the promising multipurpose application from ultra-low energy electronics to neuromodulation. • Main paper/arXiv, related to the seminar, and other references: • 1. X. Liu, A. P. Pyatakov, and W. Ren, Magnetoelectric Coupling in Multiferroic Bilayer VS_2, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 247601 (2020) • 2. A.A. Bukharaev, A.K. Zvezdin, A.P. Pyatakov, Yu.K. Fetisov, “Straintronics: a new trend in micro-, nanoelectronics, and material science” Phys. Usp., V.61, iss.12, (2018) • 3. N.E. Khokhlov, et al, Electric-field-driven magnetic domain wall as a microscale magneto-optical shutter, Scientific reports, vol. 7, P. 264 (2017) • 4. D. P. Kulikova et al, Nucleation of Magnetic Bubble Domains in Iron Garnet Films by Means of an Electric Probe, JETP Letters Vol. 104, No. 3, pp. 197–200 (2016). • 5. D. Sando et al, Crafting the magnonic and spintronic response of BiFeO3 films by epitaxial strain, Nature materials, v.12, 641–646 (2013) • The Department of Physics and Engineering of ITMO University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) hosts online weekly seminars to discuss recent scientific achievements of researchers from all over the world with a wide audience. The topics include experimental (Optical seminar) and theoretical (Theoretical seminar) aspects of nanophotonics, solid-state physics, material science, as well as design and applications of radiofrequency structures and devices (Microwave seminar). • Upcoming and past events can be found at • / physics.itmo • / physics_itmo • / physics.itmo • #TheoreticalSeminar #ITMO #новыйфизтех #scientificseminar • 0:00:00 Intro • 0:01:04 Symmety of electromagnetics laws • 0:06:38 Magnetoelectricity vs Electromagnetism • 0:13:40 Magnetoelectric media • 0:16:29 Multiferroics media • 0:18:10 Antiferromagnets • 0:24:00 Toroidal moment • 0:28:28 Spin flexoelectricity • 0:35:42 Local ferroelectricity • 0:43:54 ME phenomena at interfaces and in heterostructures • 0:49:13 Magnetoelectric coupling in VS2 • 0:55:23 Van-der Waals materials as ME composites • 0:59:11 Magnetoelectric particals in medicine • 1:02:56 Conclusion • 1:03:24 Questions