The Angels of God Hebrews 1 Skip Heitzig
Angels are largely relegated to the realms of mythology and childhood fantasy. Most people never think about them. But angels are very, very real. Martin Luther commented, “An angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body, for the service of Christendom and of the church.” He was partly correct, but angels serve an even greater role than being strictly for the church. Their ministry objective is principally concerned with the glory and majesty of God. Let’s explore some of the noteworthy traits that angels have. • This teaching is from the series 20/20: Seeing Truth Clearly with Skip Heitzig from Calvary Church. • 00:00 Introduction • 08:08 They Are Significant in God’s Plan • 18:01 They Are Several in Number • 22:26 They Are Seen Only Rarely • 28:28 They Stand in God’s Presence • 30:46 They Share in God’s Work • 34:24 They Serve God’s People