Personal WoW Mailbox Get the Mailemental Pet Postmaster Title and Mailbox Toy


Get your own on-call Mailbox toy in WoW! Patch 7.3.5 added the Dalaran Mailroom questline which can get you your own personal on-call WoW Mailbox, the Mailemental battle pet, the Postmaster title and a bonus heirloom upgrade item. This guide walks you through exactly how to do the Dalaran Mailroom, Priority Mail achievement and get your own mailbox, Postmaster title and Mailemental battle pet! When you do this questline I recommend that you take your time and read the quest text, mail and RP chat because it's all quite enjoyable. • The Priority Mail WeakAura I used to display the Mail Locations over the Mail Tubes was posted on WoWhead by the user sheleronk and can be found here: • The personal Mailbox toy is called Katy's Stampwhistle. It summons Katy Stampwhistle (the mailroom assistant NPC) to your side. Katy will act as a mailbox for 10 minutes and can be summoned every 3 hours. She can be summoned anywhere so she'll continue to be useful in future expansions unless they nerf her. Katy Stampwhistle will not move to follow you once summoned, so take care of your mailing business because she's staying put. • The title from the Dalaran Mailroom questline is the Postmaster (yourname) title. At this time, the Postmaster title in WoW is character specific so your alts will not be able to use the Postmaster title unless they do the achievement for themselves. The pet and toy are of course account wide so that's a bit bizarre any may be changed later. If you're concerned about the Postmaster Title and want to get it on your alts, pass along your Lost Mail item to your alts and repeat the questline on any that you would like to earn the Postmaster title on. • The battle pet is the Mailemental! It appears as a smaller Kirin Tor familiar but with a letter clutched in it's ele-hand. It has a unique moveset with themed move names and a good amount of Humanoid damage on a Magic type battle pet. • If you aren't having luck camping the Lost Mail (which spawns ONLY on the ground near the Violet Citadel mailbox of Legion Dalaran, no other mailbox) check your Auction House or buckle down to wait for Lost Mail prices to drop/camping to fall off. Supply will increase over time as demand tapers off, so Lost Mail should become an accessible purchase within a few weeks of 7.3.5. • Browse my gaming gear, WoW Cookbook, streaming equipment, teapots and more on my Amazon Recommendations shop here: • Support me on Patreon! I make these videos full time now and your support and donations keep me going. I can't thank you guys enough for this.   / hazelnuttygames   • Find me on Twitter at •   / hazelnuttygames   • Insta:   / hazelnuttylife  


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