Homeopathic Remedy Hyoscyamus Niger from Materia Medica by Prof George Vithoulkas

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#Hyoscyamus , #MateriaMedica , #GeorgeVithoulkas • Hyoscyamus is similar to Belladonna botanically, and in pathogen etic action the two drugs are much alike in their main features. But when examined closely their differences are sufficiently well marked. The delirium of Hyoscyamus Is more of the low, muttering type, whilst that of Bell. Tends to be violent and furious. Hyoscyamus Also has fits of ungovernable rage, but the violence is not as sustained as that of Bell. Hyoscyamus corresponds to a great variety of cases of melancholia than Bell., and here one great characteristic is “suspicion,” so frequently met with in cases of insanity or of those on the borderland. Hyoscyamus is suited to nervous, irritable, excitable, sanguine people, to light-haired people. • Hyoscyamus Niger belongs to the family Solanaceae and thrives in many Mediterranean countries including Greece, and generally in areas of Europe and Asia where there is a temperate climate. It has been introduced even in North America. It is also known as “henbane.” It is a biennial herb that reaches a height of 80 cm and grows in rocky, arid areas and along roads. It has oval leaves, and the color of its flowers varies from yellow to dull green with purple veins. • Homeopathic Remedy Hyoscyamus from Materia Medica by Prof. George Vithoulkas • Hyoscyamus is full of convulsions, contractions, trembling, quivering and jerkings of the muscles. Convulsions in vigorous people, coming on with great violence. Convulsions that involve the whole economy, with unconsciousness, coming on in the night. Convulsions in women at the menstrual period ; and then the lesser convulsions of single muscles, and contractions of single muscles. Little jerkings and twitchings. In low forms of the disease it takes on the latter, jerkings and twitching’s of muscles. In low typhoid states where there is great prostration with twitching. • #Hyoscyamus , #MateriaMedica , #GeorgeVithoulkas, #HomeopathicRemedy , #Hyoscyamusniger, #homeopathy, #Niger • • Homeopathy 360 also invites all the esteemed Homeopaths to contribute your knowledge and experiences in the core area of your expertise. • For more information, visit our website • https://www.homeopathy360.com/ • Social Media •   / homeopathy360forall   •   / homeopathy360   •   / homeopathy360   • https://www.linkedin.com/company/bjai... • • Contact us • D - 157, Sector 63, Noida • Uttar Pradesh, India


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