Cartpole dancer v1 take 1


Version 1 of Cartpole robot dancing to Stones Satisfaction. Controlled by MPPI MPC running ODE models, running on PC CPU. Part of prep for Neural Control research area that we will be working on at this summer's Telluride Neuromorphic workshop • The dance here is preprogrammed to start certain 'steps' at specific points in the song. The Satisfaction beat is 135bpm (2.25Hz) and the 'shimmy' step is meant to synchronize to the beat. Some steps like the 'cartwheel' and 'spin' just start at specific song transitions. • The MPPI uses 700 rollouts of 40 timesteps of 20ms (0.8s). The cost function is engineered for the steps. Most steps follow a state trajectory that considers some subset of cart and pole positions and velocities. The cartwheel step uses a state-dependent cost function that first balances, then falls in desired direction, then free falls, and finally goes back to balancing target. The spin step uses a very different cost function that first maximizes pole energy and then signed pole kinetic energy. • You can see the whole codebase at


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