PRS MT15 noise info


update • So there is a combo of issues with this amp. I followed a remedy from the link Ill give you and it made it usable for me. • • Remedy, 12au7 tube in effects loop (V6) and 5751 in V3. If this doesn’t do it for you there are videos and threads about unsoldering and twisting the wires in the amp to eliminate residual noise. PRS has also changed the output tubes to 5881’s. Mine still has the 6L6’s and is fine. Hope this helps! • • • • This is a video I put together to help others answer the question 'is the effects loop noise on my MT15 normal?'. I've heard so many different things on the forums, from PRS and the FB MT15 owners group. Some say theirs is dead quiet, some have shown theirs to have terrible hum, some in the middle of the road, some with hum only on dirty channel, some with hum only on clean.... So far I havent been able to get a clear yes or no to is this normal because everyones hum, loud and quiet seem to be relevent to their definition. Another video on here demos the MT15 and it shows the effects loop actully decreasing noise by 1dB. That video used a different method to test and record. Great video and his video confirmed that the tube/shield sleeves don't appear to reduce hum. My video shows the amp set to bedroom level volume with a quality stereo mic/video camera setup 12 away from the cabinet. The camera mic was adjusted to -6dB max using music from my iphone on full volume sitting on the amp head. The ambient noise in my place was 49.2db at max. Normal circumstances. No post or pre eq of any kind. No audio doctoring. What you see is what two of these amps I have owned behave like at this point. I exchanged the first one, but this one is doing it too. There are two versions of this amp, being the second version has little painted arrows on the panel by the effects loop. As far as internal revisions I am unclear. My current one is V2 and has the painted arrows. So was the one I returned. The mftr date on both are 8/19. So far Ive heard from a user that has a 3/20 dated model that his has different pot/knob sweeps and no effects loop hum. Again due to personal definition of hum, quiet etc I cant confirm if the 3/20 models have changed or in fact do not hum. The normal amp hum without anything in the effects loop seems quieter on this second one, but it has a crackling that can be heard. So all that being said, here is a video showing my MT15 and what two of these amps behave like. I will come back and update this with more info when I find it. Also, feel free to ask questions.


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