How to cook Sadza Pap Zimbabwes staple food


Sadza is easy to cook and does not take a lot of time. You only need two ingredients which is maize meal or corn meal and water . • Sadza is Zimbabwe’s staple food. It is also a staple food of most countries in Southern Africa. These countries include South Africa, Kenya and Botswana. In South Africa they call it pap, ugali in Kenya and phaletshe in Botswana. • There is no age limit when comes to eating Sadza. A baby as young as 6 months can be fed Sadza mixed with soup. Even if you don’t have teeth you can still eat Sadza because it is soft. • Sadza is mostly eaten during supper and lunch. You can serve sadza with meat, vegetables and soup. In Zimbabwe sadza is eaten using plain hands, with no cuttlery. • Sadza is high in carbohydrates and fibre. It keeps you fuller for longer. The most common sadza in Zimbabwe is white sadza. • Sadza is cooked with different types of crops which include corn meal, sorghum, finger millet, bulrush millet as well as wheat. Corn meal is found in two types which is white corn and yellow corn. • • For the ingredients click the link below • • Sauce pan • • Wooden cooking stick •


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