Sam Shamoun from Christianity to the Nation of Islam NOI


The following excerpt was taken from the debate took place at the Center for Religious Debate, Michigan, USA between Farhan Qureshi and Sam Shamoun • • The Topic was Is there Trinity in the Old Testament? • • Click here to watch the full debate • •    • Video   • • Muslim apologist Yahya snow wrote the following on his blog Facts About Islam : For some time now, I have witnessed Sam Shamoun's deep-routed anger and resentment manifest itself on the internet in the form of crazy attacks against Islam and/or attacks against Muslims on the internet.Sam Shamoun's anti-Muslim rhetoric is quite frightening and indeed saddening simultaneously. • • I intially put his long standing Islamophobia down to his upbringing as some Assyrians and Coptic Christians are indoctrinated to dislike (hate) Islam from youth. Unfortunately, Sam has been unable to curb his rebellion and resentment towards Muslims despite being in his 40s. • • It seems as though Sam Shamoun's problems are in fact deep routed. In his younger days Shamoun dabbled with the ideas of the racist black supremacist group known as Nation of Islam (NOI)......... • • Click here to read the rest of this article • • • • Another Muslim apologist bro Jibreek also wrote I must say that this blew me off my feet. What can I make out of it, except to say that things are making sense now. Sam Shamoun's deep hatred for Islam, his foul languages when engaged in discussions with Muslims, his psychological imbalances that he presents in his debates. As a major of psychology, being fascinated with human thought, feelings/emotions, personality and what influences I must say that things are making sense. I no longer look at Sam Shamoun in a puzzled way for his hatred, his deliberate manipulations and distortions (and more important the fact that he himself believes he is truthful) of Islam. • • Sam Shamoun was Nation of Islam for aprox. 4 years and then he reverted back to Christianity. I never knew that and this was never mentioned by him, or by anyone else in any of his introductions or biographies on any of his work. I wonder why? Does he hate Islam so much that he cannot even mention that at one point he was part of at least some kind of offshoot of it? • • I do have to be fair and say that I appreciate the fact that at least he does not pull the so often common trick of I WAS A MUSLIM I KNOW ISLAM, I AM AN APOSTATE NOW, I AM A SCHOLAR OF ISLAM. At least he says that Nation of Islam are not considered Muslims, over which there is no disagreement amongst the Ahlul Sunnah wa Jamah, those who follow the prophet Muhammad pbuh. • • May Allah guide Sam Shamoun. I am calling for a world wide duaa/prayer for Sam Shamoun from all the Muslims, to ask Alalh the Most High to guide Sam Shamoun, to open his heart and to remove the hatred and replace it with love as it was done before to many people who hated Islam, hated the prophet pbuh, yet they became the ones who loved them the most. • • Click here to read the rest of this article • •


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