10 Soft Skills All Physiotherapist Should Practice Dos and Donts On First Consultation physio
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=Gln65cQKLR4
Physiotherapy is healthcare profession which demands best of your communication skills, as Physios have to spend more time with patients while assessing, treating and educating. and that is the reason that all physios should work on developing their soft skills to attend patients and make their clinical practice unique and more efficient. that is the reason I have uploaded this video so that all budding physios can learn few important tips on communication with their patients. • Hello friends, thankyou for watching my video, I am Physiotherapist with masters degree and working as Associate Professor in Mangalore.I love to teach and practice physiotherapy, that is the reason i am sharing all my experience and learnings on my youtube channel. I am also fond of fitness, which i believe every physiotherapist should be and that is why i put my content of home workouts as well as some fitness tips for improving fitness level of individual. • you can also refer my facebook and instagram page physiotrendz for more content like these. • facebook- / physiotrendzforall • instagram - https://www.instagram.com/physio_tren... • mail id - [email protected] • telegram - https://t.me/joinchat/wKkTfYYTYcVkOGFl • • #physiotrendz #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #softskills #communicationskills #patientconsultation #FIRSTCONSULTATION #DO'S DON'TS #physio #clinicalpractice #clinicalskills #physio #medicos #physiotherapypractice