How the Black Death Broke and Fixed the World Animated History
The Black Death was the deadliest pandemic of all time. But which parts of facts and which parts are myths? And how could it also have saved the (old) world from its medieval quagmire? Trace the origin, outbreak, path, and aftermath of the plague that broke and saved the world. • You can support both Drawn of History and MrBettsClass on Patreon at / drawnofhistory • Anchor Text: The Great Mortality by John Kelly - (affiliate) • The songs Crypto, Sneaky Snitch, Happy Happy Game Show, The Path of the Goblin King V2, Interloper, Shamanistic, Rising Tide, Gothamlicious, Malicious, Right Behind You, Midnight Tale, Professor and the Plant, The Other Side of the Door, The Hive, Long Note Three, Take A Chance, Plucky Daisy, Movement Proposition, Aquarium, Spring Thaw, and Bossa Antigua by Kevin MacLeod. Adventure by Alexander Nakarada. All found here: • License: