Creating a Parallel Eyelid Crease is Best Done with the NonIncisional Suture Method
A 19-year-old Asian lady has naturally tapered double eyelids. She wants to know how to make her eyelids look parallel. She also wants to if an incisional or non-incisional technique can help achieve her desired look, which she demonstrates using eyelid tape. • In Dr. Amiya Prasad’s practice, he makes patients wear tape on their eyelids so that he can figure out where to place the non-incisional fixation sutures. The tape pushes up the crease and creates a point where the optimal placement of sutures can be used to mimic the effect of the tape. There’s a difference between tape and surgery - the tape only gives an outside physical pressure on the skin and the stiffness forces the eyelid skin to fold. On the other hand, in a non-incisional surgery, little openings are made in the skin and a suture is placed through the skin to engage the levator muscle. This creates an adhesion or connection between the skin and the levator muscle. Although this lady has a natural fold, it would have to be pushed up 1-2 millimeters to create a pleating effect. • Without a physical exam, Dr. Prasad can’t tell the relative skin thickness, quality and how much the skin is likely to cooperate from a surgeon’s perspective. A surgeon can do a lot of things with tape but if the skin is stiff, it’s not going to hold. Initially, it may look good but it may become undone to the point where it may regress back. That’s a risk that is part of this type of procedure. • Dr. Prasad would not recommend an incisional procedure for this lady because usually he reserves that for people who have either a single fold or need a small amount of skin removed. He also recommends that if there is a lot of fat that’s pushing down and that the non-incisional technique simply won’t work. The surgeon would have to make a skin excision in order to have access to the levator muscle. In a situation like this lady where she already has a fold, chances are there is enough space to create some internal fixation suture to create the same effect of the tape. • Dr. Prasad suggests that she meet with some cosmetic surgeons and get a physical examination. Based on the physical examination, she’ll get a certain sense of the predictability of the approach of the surgery. Most likely she would be a candidate for the non-incisional approach to have the parallel crease that she desires. • For more information about Asian double eyelid surgery, please visit our website: •