How to freeze and remove viral warts using Cryotherapy
Freezing allows to choose from and enjoy a wide selection of vegetables and fruit all year round. Furthermore, freezing ensures that a majority of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, are preserved. • To get an insight into how frozen food is produced we paid a visit to the Fruit and Vegetable Processing Plant founded in 1934. • Since the very beginning, “Kwidzyn” Fruit and Vegetable Processing Plant has produced canned food (vegetables). In the 90-ties we enriched our offer by launching the production of frozen vegetables in addition to canned ones, which was enabled owing to the erection of a modern freezing plant. • Let us have a look at how frozen peas are made • The first thing is the field where the peas are grown. It is an extremely important stage because the quality of the final product depends on how open-field cultivation is managed. • Engineers agronomists from the Kwidzyn plant monitor cultivation from the moment of sowing, through growing until harvesting. All information regarding the process of cultivation is recorded in the system. It is possible at all times to view the situation on each and every field from which feedstock is supplied to the Kwidzyn plant. • Ultimately, it is engineer agronomists who decide about the right moment to start the harvest. • The best time for cropping peas is when their pods are filled in 100% from top to the very bottom and are of similar tenderometer index not lower than 100, slightly above 100. It is the optimum moment for cropping without any losses for the planter. • Crops are harvested from the fields and brought to the Kwidzyn plant. Each batch is weighted and subjected to routine checks. • Then, the feedstock is taken by conveyor belts to the washer and pretreatment room. At this stage, the material is sorted and everything that is lighter, heavier, or bigger than peas, i.e. leaves, pods, or small stones, is removed. When cleaning up is completed, peas are rinsed with water. • • What follows is the heat treatment of peas. The camera properly scans the feedstock in search of anything that differs from regular peas in terms of shape or color. • Subsequently, prior to freezing, the feedstock is blanched at a temperature of approx. 92 ºC. Thanks to the above-mentioned process, peas shall preserve their taste, aroma, and intensive color. • After blanching, vegetables are cooled and taken to the cooling tunnel. Peas are frozen at a temperature of -35 ºC. Parameters of all the above-described processes are computer-controlled. • After freezing is completed, vegetables undergo optical sorting which is followed by a metal detecting process. • Frozen vegetables are packed in bulk packages which are then weighted and labeled. • The label allows tracing the history of peas back to the plantation on which it was originally grown. • Bulk packages are transported to the depots from where peas are fed onto the packing line. Here, the appropriate portions of the product are packed into bags. • Product samples are pulled from each batch to maintain a high level of quality. Microbiological, as well as physiochemical examinations, are carried out at the laboratory. Only when laboratory specialists have been satisfied that the peas conform with all applicable quality standards, the product is finally marketed and sold. • In the peak season, the Kwidzyn plant has the capacity to produce ca. 600 tones of frozen peas every 24 hrs. Other vegetables are processed here as well and 70% of manufacture is exported. • • Let's see how it's made! • Subscribe now - • -- • Factories is a journey through production plants. We are visiting the industry. We were inspired by the popular program How it's made? Known from the Discovery television channel. Every week, together with our viewers, we visit the production plant to check how the selected production process is going. Every week, our channel receives a documentary film, from which you learn how things are produced. Among others machines, rope slings, yachts, wires, windows, railroad switches, radiators, polystyrene, etc. You are probably also interested in how food is made? On our channel, we showed, among others frankfurters, Pepsi, kebab, salty sticks, mustards, ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese, and many more. It's amazing how exciting production can be. Science and technology carry so much interesting information. Every week you get to know with us the curiosities of factories. The factory has no secrets for us. • -- • Check out our other videos: • FOOD FACTORY MACHINES THAT ARE ON ANOTHER LEVEL - Factories • How HOT-DOGS are made? INSIDE HOT DOG FACTORY - Factories • #factories