Sunsetcorp Channel Compilation
Edit: Just wanted to add that this technically isn't the 12th anniversary of when vaporwave came to exist since I found out vaporwave's origins can be traced back to 2005 (although it technically may be the 12th anniversary of when vaporwave originated on YouTube and the internet as a whole). I'm still keeping the old description below this, I just wanted to add that information. • Today marks the 12th anniversary of when vaporwave was created. • Track List: • sunsetcorp- angel 0:00 • sunsetcorp- nobody here 1:30 • sunsetcorp- computer vision 3:34 • sunsetcorp- demerol 5:58 • sunsetcorp- TIME STAND STILL 8:08 • sunsetcorp- END OF LIFE ENTERTAINMENT SCENARIO #1 11:33 • White Car- No Better 20:07 • The first vaporwave song, angel, was uploaded to the sunsetcorp channel on July 19th, 2009. The channel was made by Daniel Lopatin (The same person who made Chuck Person's Eccojams Volume 1 in case you didn't know) to kind of advertise his album, Memory Vague, and show some of the stuff he was making at the time. I have compiled the 7 songs/videos currently on the sunsetcorp channel that you can check out here: / @sunsetcorp • Enjoy. • The first three tracks/videos, angel, nobody here, and computer vision, are from his album, Memory Vague (Which is technically the first Vaporwave album). Here is a link to the album: • Oneohtrix Point Never – Memory Vague... • The tracks, angel and nobody here, were later changed a little and used in Chuck Person's Eccojams Volume 1 (They are the tracks, A2, which is angel, and B4, which is nobody here). The track, angel, samples Only Over You by Fleetwood Mac and the track, nobody here, samples The Lady In Red by Chris De Burgh. The track, computer vision, is original instrumentation and not sampled (It also isn't a Vaporwave song, but kind of gives of similar feelings and just feels like it falls into the same category). • The 4th track/video, demerol, is a tribute to Michael Jackson as said in the description, since he had died the previous month. It samples Morphine by Michael Jackson. This track later became A4 in Chuck Person's Eccojams Volume #1. • The 5th track/video, TIME STAND STILL, is apparently dedicated to Luke Younger (I don't know who that is exactly, but it may be one of Lopatin's friends or something). As far as I know, it isn't in any album or compilation and is just a single track. It samples Time Stand Still by Rush. • The 6th track/video, END OF LIFE ENTERTAINMENT SCENARIO #1, is also a single track (As far as I know). It samples Emotion by Roger and Lonely by Janet Jackson. The parts that it samples Lonely by Janet Jackson were later used in A6 in Chuck Person's Eccojams Volume #1. • The 7th track/video, White Car- No Better, is a tribute/music video for the song No Better by White Car (as stated in the name). This song also isn't really a Vaporwave song but is slightly similar. It is also only original instrumentation I believe. • Thank you Daniel Lopatin and all the other Vaporwave artists for your contributions and for making this genre what it is today. Vaporwave has changed and evolved so much in the time it has been around. It is honestly amazing that a still relatively unknown music genre can evolve and change so rapidly in a decade. It has went from just sampling songs (not that anything is wrong with that) to original instrumentation, a combination of sampling and original instrumentation, adding original vocals, and much more. It has also positively affected me and probably many others and I am so grateful for its existence. Once again, thank you to everyone that is involved in the Vaporwave community, whether you are an artist, a reupload channel, or just someone who enjoys the genre and supports it. Anyways, have a nice day and enjoy. • Happy Birthday Vaporwave! • • P.S.- I had to reupload because some tracks duplicated and it was double the length it should've been. • Chuck Person/Oneohtrix Point Never/Daniel Lopatin's Links: • / sunsetcorp • https://oneohtrixpointnever.bandcamp.... •