Olmstead v LC 1999 Overview LSData Case Brief Video Summary

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The case is about mentally disabled women who were put in institutions even though their doctors said they could be treated in the community. The court ruled that disabled people should be able to get treated in the community if their doctors say it's okay, and they don't object, and it can be done reasonably. The court said discriminating against disabled people by putting them in institutions when they don't need to be is wrong. • Olmstead v. L.C. (1999) • Supreme Court of the United States • 527 U.S. 581, 144 L. Ed. 2d 540, 119 S. Ct. 2176, SCDB 1998-088, 1999 U.S. LEXIS 4368 • Learn more about this case at https://www.lsd.law/briefs/view/olmst... • --- • Law School Data has over 50,000 case briefs and a one-of-a-kind brief tool to instantly brief millions of US cases with just the name or case cite. • Check out all of our case briefs: https://www.lsd.law/briefs • Briefs come with built in LSDefine and DeepDive, which allow you to read as quickly or as deeply as you want. Each brief has a built in legal dictionary and recursive summaries that go into more and more detail, until you eventually hit the original case text. • Subscribe for new videos every week: https://www.youtube.com/@LSData?sub_c...


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