Almost Everything you need to know about Neem Oil as an Organic Pesticide
How to make a neem oil solution or spray to target pests in your garden or vegetable patch! • Neem oil UPDATE VIDEO: • • Easiest Way to Use Neem Oil | The Pro... • Neem Oil Links: • • Support the channel: • If you enjoyed this video and want to donate to help me keep making them you can do so at: / natjb or make one-off donations through or at Thank you so much for considering this, times are hard and there is no pressure! • Things I forgot to mention: • 1. The legal situation for using Neem Oil / Azadirachtin is quite complex. I might do a separate video on this at a later date if people wish for it. • Neem oil isn't technically a registered / approved pesticide in the UK. It is approved in the EU under EC Reg 1107/2209 ( There are numerous research documents discussing its effects and impacts, which conclude that by and large, it is safe. A good summary can be found in this document produced by the US Environmental Protection Agency: • 2. BUT Neem oil is NOT banned in the UK. This is a rumour that was started by someone editing the wikipedia page for neem oil and getting a few details wrong. Because the active ingredient isn't technically approved for pesticidal use alone, it is necessary for products containing the active ingredient to go through a process of individual approval. There are examples of products containing azadirachtin which have been approved for the UK market. More info here: • (https://webarchive.nationalarchives.g...) Using the mixture as I describe in the video is considered a home remedy and using it at a small scale is likely permissible under UK law in the same way that many other home made garden remedies such as garlic sprays, compost tea, spraying milk for mildew etc. are allowed. • More info here: • 3. Neem oil absolutely stinks so be careful using it indoors or in greenhouses and try to avoid getting it on yourself or your clothes! • 4. Neem oil can be really effective for potted plants, by making up a solution in the same way that I've shown in part 4, and using it to water the plant. • 5. Neem oil solidifies in cold temperatures and can be harmed by high temperatures. If you need to liquefy solidified oil then place the bottle in warm, but NOT HOT, water. • I hope you enjoy this one, probably the most work I've put into producing researching a video! • Timestamps: • 0:00 - Introduction • 0:55 - Part 1: What is Neem Oil? • 1:21 - Part 2: The Reported Benefits • 2:56 - Part 2b: Potential Drawbacks / Things to be aware of • 4:19 - Part 3: How Does Neem Oil Work? / The Science of Neem Oil • 6:06 - Part 4: How to make a Neem Oil mixture for spraying • 8:06 - Part 5: Spraying Neem Oil / How to apply Neem Oil • 9:57 - Results 1 week after first application • 11:02 - Results 2 weeks after second application • 13:14 Part 6 - Conclusions, Weighing the Benefits, Advice for you! • Music: • Lost Memories by AERØHEAD / aerohead • Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 • Free Download / Stream: • Hot Coffee by Ghostrifter Official | / ghostrifter-official • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported •