The New Ithaca Gun Company Shooting USA
The Ithaca Gun Company returns to the industry in a new location: Ohio. It comes after years of uncertainty, but with a long history, beginning in Ithaca, New York in 1883. The original company made high quality double guns that are highly collectible today. Now, Ithaca is rebuilding its reputation, thanks to two cousins reviving the name, the products, and the quality. • FOLLOW SHOOTING USA: • -- Facebook: / jimscoutten.shootingusa • -- Twitter: / shootingusa • -- Instagram: / shootingusa • For more information, head to • For comments and questions, please e-mail [email protected] • ABOUT SHOOTING USA: • Jim Scoutten, America’s Most Watched Firearms Reporter, has been on the beat for 25 years, reporting the stories of the Shooting Sports and the firearms Industry. The show produces a series of popular segments focusing on historical guns, the personalities in the sport and industry, insider reports from gun tests, and practical tips from shooting sports pros. The show appeals to shooting sports enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels by providing practical tips on safely handling, modifying and repairing their favorite guns. • WATCH: • Shooting USA airs every Wednesday on Outdoor Channel. • • #ShootingUSA #SmithandWesson #Hornady #Shooting #2a #Colt #OutdoorChannel #shootingcompetition #shootingsports #guns #firearmsnews #firearms #USPSA #threegun #3gun #handguns #shotguns #raceguns #HistorysGuns #ProTips #HAVA #JimScoutten #JohnScoutten #PrecisionRifle #PrecisionRifleSeries #PRS #IDPA #benchrest #multigun #USAMU #Rifle #gunrange #newguns #oldguns