NOBULL COURT TRAINER REVIEW Great for lifting and pickleball
SHOP COURT TRAINER: • SHOP TRAINER+: • COURT TRAINER REVIEW: • NOBULL TRAINER+ REVIEW: • The NOBULL Court Trainer is designed for tackling things like lifting, cross-training, CrossFit, and court sports like tennis and pickleball. • As an avid pickleball player and fan, I was super excited to put the NOBULL Court Trainer's to the test. I play pickleball 1-2x a week currently and am addicted. • On that note, I often play pickleball in my cross-training shoes, so would I notice a difference in this model's performance compared to other non-specific trainers? • In this NOBULL Court Trainer review, I'm going to discuss a variety of details to help you decide if this model is worth it for you. • 0:00 NOBULL Court Trainer Pros • 3:00 NOBULL Court Trainer Cons • 4:41 Performance • 7:39 Who are these best for? • 8:42 NOBULL Court Trainer Sizing • 9:11 Price • 9:34 Weight, Drop, and Insole • 9:53 Construction Breakdown • 11:29 Final Thoughts • Overall, I like the NOBULL Court Trainer, especially for blending and wearing them for things like cross-training and pickleball. • In fact, the Court Trainer is quickly becoming my favorite NOBULL training shoe to date. Granted, that could just be my pickleball bias talking. • At the end of the day, I like this shoe, but it's definitely not going to be the best option for everyone, especially those who want to save money and don't necessarily need a court-focused training shoe. • If you have additional questions on the NOBULL Court Trainer, drop a comment below or reach out to me personally via Instagram! • CONNECT: / jake_boly • TF2 IG: / that_fit_friend • #nobull #nobullshoes #nobullcourttrainer • MORE SHOE CONTENT • Best Cross-Training Shoes: • Best CrossFit Shoes: • Best Barefoot Shoes: • Best Hybrid Training Shoes: