Singapore Airline Silverkris Lounge Sydney Breakfast Review
Here is a quick review of my experience at SilverKris Lounge Sydney in December 2023 for breakfast. I have been to this lounge multiple times for breakfast and lunch but this time it did leave me a bit disappointed. • Watch why this is so and let me know if you would feel the same? • I have made a previous video on Amex Lounge Sydney : • American Express Lounge The Centurion... • Let me know which one you would prefer between the two. • #krisflyer #singaporeairlines #airportlounge #foodblogger #sydneyairport • Let's live life to the fullest with the opportunities presented to us as we journey through life making the most of every situation! • PS Had to reupload this video because I had the settings wrong and didn't realise it when I uploaded previously. Still learning. Thanks for watching