Load up the right side for more power

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https://www.bunkered.co.uk/kod • Load up the right side for more power • Claire Nicoll was told by Denis Pugh that is she turned more with her hips on the backswing she could achieve more power and consistency with her golf game. • ABOUT CALLAWAY KINGS OF DISTANCE • Callaway’s Kings Of Distance is an outstanding and EPIC annual consumer event that brings between 90-100 golfers to a top UK venue to trial the latest Callaway products – with a distinct emphasis on drivers. • The event, which trended UK-wide on social media in 2017, features seven fun and interactive zones – driver trial and fitting, hybrids and long irons, Denis Pugh Shot Centre, short game scoring clinic, Odyssey putting, Callaway tour truck and media – with golfers split into groups of 12 in order to visit them all. • Callaway brand ambassadors Marc Warren, Nicolas Colsaerts and Sebastien Gros and Long Drive stars Joe Miller attend the event at St Andrews Links, offering valuable insight into life on tour and providing some handy tips which each golfer could take away with them and apply to their own games. • For more information on the 2017 event, head to http://www.bunkered.co.uk/kod • FOR MORE GOLF TIPS JUST LIKE THIS… • • Subscribe to the bunkered YouTube account for FREE here for all the latest golf tips and video content -    / bunkered   • • 'Like' us on Facebook -   / bunkeredmagazine   • • Follow us on Twitter -   / bunkeredonline   • • Follow us on Instagram -   / bunkered_mag   • • And don't forget to give us a follow on Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+bunkered/posts • EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BUNKERED • bunkered is the largest selling golf title in Scotland. In fact, it outsells all other golf titles on Scottish newsstands combined. • With a distinctly Scottish edge, the magazine offers something for everyone with features, interviews, equipment, tuition, travel, competitions and much more besides. • Meanwhile, our website, https://www.bunkered.co.uk, is the place to find all of the latest news and views from across the whole cross-spectrum of the game of golf. Why not stick us in your bookmarks? • https://www.bunkered.co.uk/kod


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