How to make a pen gun
If you're new to firearms and the shooting sports, and you're ready to buy your first gun, a gun store may seem like an unusual and intimidating place. Relax - it doesn't have to be! Brownells Gun Techs Steve and Caleb give us some tips on how to behave on that important first trip to the gun store. First thing: know the basics of firearm safety as explained in our earlier video on Gun Etiquette Safe Gun Handling. Tell the salesperson what you want the gun for and how you plan to use it. Help them find the gun that's right for you. If you've read some reviews, watched some videos, and are interested in a particular model - good. But also check out similar guns. The store might have one that's a better fit for you. Caution to you experienced shooters who might be in the store: Don't interfere and argue with the store staff! Sure, we know your Glock® is perfection, but the clerk may have a specific reason for recommending, say, a SIG or an M P. We're all experts on what WE like, but not necessarily what's good for somebody else. Finally, if you're bringing a gun in for repairs, should you be offended if the store staff checks more than to be sure it's unloaded? The guys have advice on that, too. • • Fill your plate at our All-U-Can-Eat buffet of firearm info: