Redheaded Woodpecker or Redbellied Woodpecker
Welcome to “This or That” video series. Produced by UF/IFAS Extension Pinellas County. This series helps citizens and visitors correctly identify commonly mistaken species of plants and animals. Today we will look at two birds often confused with one another; Red-headed and Red-bellied Woodpeckers. Although they both look similar in size and color, there a key differences that help distinguish these birds. Now you'll be able to spot the differences the next time you go outdoors. This or That? content is inspired by a field guide available for purchase through the UF/IFAS Bookstore: This or That? A Beginner's Guide to Commonly Misidentified Animals and Plants in Florida ( • If you would like to reference written species comparison, please check out our UF/IFAS Blogs site: • If you're interested to learn on-the-go, check out our Naturally Florida podcast: • Questions? Contact your local Natural Resources Agent, Lara Milligan at [email protected] • #thisorthat #commonlyconfused #wildlife #plants #nature #florida