Seth Feroce Instinctive Shoulder Training
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ • • • Use Code - SF25 for 25% off Primeval Labs! • 1. Warm Up • ----------------------------- • 1. DB Side Laterals - 3x12 (straight sets) • 2 sets of Running the Rack (rep range each set between 6-12....higher reps with the lower weight and lower reps with the heavier weight) • Set 1- Start Low weight, 20lbs and increase weight each set by 5lbs until you reach a weight where you only get 6 reps! Take 10second rest between each drop set. • Set 2 - Start with heavier weight and work your way down the rack in the same manner as set 1. • Lots of Fuckin Blood!! Push yourself outside of your comfort zone!! • 2. Machine Rear Delt Raises - 4 x 10-12 • SuperSetted with • Machine Presses - 3x12 (Lighter weight Full Range of Motion Reps) • 3. Plate Raises - 4 x Failure (Super Sets MFers!!) • 45lb plate front Raises with hands on the sides. • 25lb plate side Raises - Right into Front Raises. • 45lb Plate Front Raises with Hands on top of the plate. • Just keep moving!! Don't think about the Burn!! Fuck it ! You are Working!! • 4. DB shrugs - 5 x failure (keep shrugging til you can't shrug anymore!) (keep rep Range above 8) • Take quick breaks, stay hydrated, and make sure you are using quality supps! Stay away from Stimulants for this workout. You want straight blood Flow!! Little bit of stims but a lot of Vasodilation!!! • Primeval Labs Vasogorge and IntraCell are my preference for vasodilation. Get the fuckin Pump!!