The Ultimate Doom Forsaken Compound E1M3 Dread Experiment UltraViolence 100


Hey everyone, welcome back to another round of Doomage. The thing on the menu today is a new Ultimate Doom wad by ivymagnapinna called Forsaken Compound. This wad is an Episode 1 replacement intended for limit-removing ports, and is the author's first significant release. Forsaken Compound features a new palette, the incorporation of PSX/Doom 64 sounds, a pervasive sinister atmosphere, and a very skilful mix of horrorish and slaughter scenarios. As the text file notes, the environment is a tech complex integrating itself into Hell. There's blood in the pipes, flesh in the machinery, and the walls won't take their eyes off you . Sounds great, so let's continue our exploration! • Basic info • ---------------- • IWAD: doom.wad • Difficulty: Ultra-Violence (pistol start) • Map author: ivymagnapinna • Music: Fallen Monuments by Snaxalotl • Port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.5 • Compatibility level: 3 (Ultimate Doom) • QoL mods: Colored Blood, Ultrawide Statusbar, Black Gloves • ---------------- • Additional notes • --------------------------- • A harrowing experience with a title that fits like a glove. Ivy informs us that 'Dread Experiment' Started off as my take on Deimos Lab and evolved from there , but in my view it's probably the closest that the set comes to nailing that pure E1 techbase atmosphere. With Snax's Fallen Monuments as a wonderfully unsettling soundtrack, the journey through the chilling lab will test your patience multiple times, first with the complicated but ultimately satisfying excision of evil in the main nukage pool, then with some atypical and somewhat frustrating platforming sections which are necessary for progression, and finally with an elaborate secret hunt that culminates in the discovery of the exit to E1M9. The red key is the most important hidden object you'll need, though it's objectively extremely easy to miss the passage containing it unless you are super eagle-eyed in that room with the big ambush. For those with an appetite for the secret level, including myself, the last test is a short but tense 'Chasm'-like segment where the danger of falling into an inescapable poison pit while walking on thin and gapped ledges is supplemented by a few lost souls - the feathers ready to push the car off the cliff. It may be occasionally cruel and a bit too staggered for fans of Doom II's more streamlined standard action, but I'm captivated by its moodiness. • Secret 1: 1:14 • Secret 2: 4:07 • Secret 3: 4:41 • Secret 4: 6:22 (contains red keycard) • Regular exit: 8:32 • Secret 5: 9:11 • Switch required to unlock path to secret exit: 9:56 • Path to secret exit: 10:24 • Links • --------- • WAD: • • QoL mods: • Colored Blood: • • Ultrawide Statusbars: • • Black Gloves: •


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