Baby Zebra Pill Bugs Marsupium Birth
This video opens with documentation of how isopods are born. You young are called mancae (singular manca ).The mother zebra pill bug carries her eggs in a pouch under her body called the marsupium. The babies of this species Armadillidium maculatum are white and begin to color up a bit as their skin hardens and then as they grow and molt they attain their striped zebra black and white coloration. Even the young are capable of rolling up into a ball as a defense mechanism sometimes lending to their other nickname, roly poly bugs. It also helps them to retain moisture in dry conditions. This species was one of the first flashy isopods to come into the now popular pet isopod hobby. • Subscribe to this YouTube channel! • Online Store: • Care Books: • Follow us on these social media platforms: • Instagram: / bugsincyberspace • TikTok: @bugsincyberspace • #zebrapillbugs #zebraisopod #armadillidiummaculatum