How To Keep Brass Looking New and Protected DIY
Describes how to use Mohawk Lacquer for Brass. • For more information, or to order: • • Will keep your brass and brass plated metal surfaces brillant. Keeps metal bright and new looking. Prevents tarnishing, protects. It is a water clear, non-yellowing and durable coating. Adhesion is excellent to metal surfaces. • Directions • Note: • As the name suggests, this is a lacquer for metals such as brass. The lacquer contains an anti-tarnish additive to keep metals bright, clean and looking new longer. • Step 1 • Make sure the parts to be sprayed are clean. • Step 2 • Shake the can vigorously for at least one minute after the mixing ball rattles to ensure that the lacquer is mixed properly and to prevent clogging. • Step 3 • To avoid overspray, if the part to be sprayed is attached to a piece of furniture such as brass drawer handles or hinges, remove the part before spraying. • Step 4 • To spray, point the opening of the spray button toward the object, holding the can 12 to 14 inches away from surface. Then press the spray button firmly. Use steady even strokes while spraying. Several thin coats will result in a better finish than one heavy coat. • Step 5 • Allow the coating to become tacky between coats. • Step 6 • Generally 3 light coats are plenty for coating a metal part. • Step 7 • When the can is empty, discard the can in a trash pick-up. DO NOT place it in a home compactor and do not burn it.