Among Us Theme Song 10 Hours
This is 10 hours of music from the game Among Us • Thanks for watching (listening) everyone 😉 • You can help support this channel with donations here: • THANKYOU :) • On this channel I make 10 hour theme song videos for all the top new games! • People use these for their live streams, while studying or sleeping, while on zoom calls or even in the shower! Yes - these are all comments that I’ve got from people that watch my videos 😂 • Wait... before you go it would help a lot if you could just like the video 👍 dropping a comment would also help boost the algorithm and if you’re into these 10 hour theme videos then subscribe because there’s a lot more coming as new games come out or older games become more popular. • Thanks for watching and don’t forget... Don’t trust red, red’s sus! ngl