Bird Gets Hit by Golf Ball MidFlight Golf Rules
SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules • Q. • Does the player get a free replay? • . • . • . • A. • No, this is a play it as it lies situation. - when a ball in motion is accidentally deflected or stopped by any outside influence. • Rule 11.1a. • The player must now proceed by playing it as it lies, or proceed under the Penalty Area Rule or Unplayable Ball Rule or Out of Bounds Rule, depending on where it went. • . • NOTE: had the stroke been made at a ball on the green, the player must cancel the shot and replace and replay. • Rule 11.1b Exception 2. • . • . • SUBSCRIBE to GOLFRULES QUESTIONS for all your golf rules • Instagram: / golfrules_questions • Facebook: / golfrulesquestions • Golf Rules