093 ESP01 ESP8266 Relay Module Modification FIX

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=H5y24KRT3oM

Disclaimer: • As an over-engineered fun project, I found a way to work an optocoupler into this fix where a standard transistor would have done well. Why? Because I have hundreds of them lying around and always ask myself when I will use them. Today was that day! You can use virtually ANY transistor in it's place and it will be smaller, cheaper, and more grown-up-like. • This is long and detailed, so don't bother watching if you will just complain about that. • __________________________________________________________ • Making the ESP-01 ESP8266 Relay Module so it will work with normal Arduino sketches, using either GPIO0 or 2 to trip relay. • I use nothing more than an optocoupler to replace a STCF104W microcontroller, which is not only manufactured wrong, but the screenprinting on the PCB is wrong. This caused me to smoke a transistor, which I replace caveman-style. • The useless STC microcontroller is ripped out, and the output of GPIO0 is used (+3.3v logic) to provide the +5v logic the STC was SUPPOSED to provide via AT pins-if it were even correctly manufactured in China. • In the end, a normal Arduino sketch that toggles GPIO0 on off is all that is needed. No modifications to the ESP-01 were needed-any will work, as long as they aren't burned with the AT core that is too difficult to justify using. In addition, the fix you see around for this module by sending a few bytes doesn't work either, and the fact that you have to use their hacked Android app to do anything with this thing makes it a laughable candidate for IoT/Home Automation. • You don't need to over-engineer this. You don't need to use an opto-coupler. I just did as I was so pissed I'd wasted so much time on this due to problems in China. Experiment, and let me know in the comments how you did! • Here is the sketch: https://sourceforge.net/p/esp-01-esp8... (YT won't give us enough space to do this right)


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