Ekaterina Shcherbachenko quotSignore Ascoltaquot Final BBC Cardiff June 14 2009
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=H69SDN3TXRQ
Екатерина Щербаченко • Winner, BBC Cardiff Singer of the World 2009. • Performance at Final of BBC Cardiff Singer of the World, June 14, 2009, London. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/cardiffsin... • Giacomo Puccini wrote the opera Turandot in 1924 and it is based on a story by Scheherezade, the well-known Persian Queen and story teller of the One Thousand and One Nights . The story is about a Persian prince and Chinese Princess. • Calaf is one of many men to fall in love with the beautiful princess, Turandot. Suitors for her hand must correctly answer three riddles, or be put to death. The slave girl, Liù, is in love with Calaf, and begs him not to put his life at risk.