The Internalized Misogyny is STRONG on TikTok 😳
Misogyny is so ingrained in our culture that we do it unconsciously all the time, regardless of sex. • Bringing down other women for giving the appearance of weakness, mistaking intersectionality for discrimination, defending the toxic behaviors of men, woman-on-woman sexism.... the list goes on. We deal with this kinda stuff enough from men, can we stop doing it to each other, please??? • Here's the link to Tara Mooknee's explanation of the Pick Me phenomenon: • the rise of the pick me girl meme • Here's my response to @jackieloweshow on TikTok: • If you like my content, consider leaving me a tip! • 👇👇👇 • • Who knows, maybe someday I'll be able to live my dream of quitting my day job creating content full time 😊❤️