Boudicca The Drovers Wife
Film by Nicole Klaer and Chris Clark, filmed on Worimi Country. • Idea developed by Madeleine Mitchell, based on Henry Lawson’s short story ‘The Drover’s Wife,’ published in 1892. • Boudicca’s ‘The Drover’s Wife’ is starring Madeleine Mitchell and guest starring Raphael as Alligator. • Boudicca would like to thank Jamie Kinder, Lauren Moulton, and Michelle Mitchell. • Boudicca would like to pay respects to the late owners of items used in this film: L Warren, M Walton, F Lamey and N Mitchell. • Many respects also to the brilliant Leah Purcell, who created a powerful retelling of this classic story. • 'The Drover's Wife' appears on Boudicca's debut album 'Tapestry.' You can purchase and stream the album through clicking the link below. • • 'The Drover's Wife' was recorded at The Pet Food Factory, mixed by Clem Bennett and mastered by Chameleon Studios. • © Boudicca, 2022.