Unboxing and thoughts on the Steelton Space Heater from Ollies

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This is my unboxing and thoughts about the first use and the second and third use I got out of it here's the ultimate thing this heater is built incredibly cheap It should have a dust filter on there but it doesn't You can only set the heat to what it's preset there is no fan speed setting there is no medium setting on heat it's just high and low low is completely useless regardless of whether the room gets hot or not or warm enough on low it will shut off after 10 minutes and beep like a microwave but on high it does get the room warm it does do what it's supposed to do and it works The fire is kind of a joke on this one plus it makes awfully squeaking noises for some reason Just using this on cool mode or fan mode useless The remote controls useless You can't even power the darn dang off for what's the point of having the power button on it I don't know about the quality I think it's kind of cheap I mean for $50 I expected a little bit more of quality or dust filter at least but I will get back to you after the winter season is over with with another video on this heater and the thing about it is that the place we are renting the upstairs bedrooms have no heat The heat pump air conditioning combo window units are junk The heat pump part doesn't work so you got to rely on space heaters and the space heater I had last winter was useless in this room with very leaky windows because the windows were not installed correctly and people never heard properly caulking a window plus there's no insulation in the walls so yeah anyways but in another bedroom that radiator style oil heater works perfectly Some rooms got to have a heater with the fan on it This works okay I still have yet to test it when it's around 10 to 5° outside or lower • #unboxing • #spaceheater


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