2007 Kia Sorento 38L timing chain fail at 85000 miles
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=HEIWU1LYIxo
12/16/2015 = The LSx V8 swap is complete!! It has been for several months. I have some videos driving it and it starting and running. They are on my channel here... / @overrevvedracing • OLD = **An update on what has become of the Sorento** ~~ After changing the parts and driving for about 30 miles the engine imploded. #1 cylinder scattered and took a valve. After pricing a replacement 3.8L I deceided to go with a GM LSx 6.0L - Follow the progress here = www.facebook.com/lsxSorento • The story behind THIS video.... • This is a video of our 2007 Kia Sorento. It had been making some noise for quite some time and on Sunday August 25th 2013 it started running horribly, it then made some god awful racket and died. • Mentor Kia in Mentor, Ohio, whom we bought the car from, told us every prior time we had it there that the noise was pertinent to the TSB for a timing chain noise or excessive bearing clearance . • Now that it died they told us there is NO 100,000 mile warranty for US because we bought the car with 7K miles. It was a dealer demo car. • So now with ONLY 85k on it I have to fix it myself and foot the bill for their (Mentor Kia) failure.