Chicken Madrubah
Chicken Madrubah: • Ingredients: • 1. 1 medium size chicken • 2. 3 Onions, chopped • 3. 1 chopped Garlic • 4. 3 tbsp olive oil • 5. 1 bunch parsley , chopped • 6. 2 bunches coriander , chopped • 7. 1 bunch dill , chopped • 8. 2 chicken cubes • 9. 1 pack tomato paste • 10. 3 dried black lemons • 11. 4 tomatoes ,chopped • 12. ½ 1 tbsp salt • 13. 13 cups water • 14. 1 tbsp mix spices • 15. 3 cups rice • Directions: • 1.Fry onion and garlic in oil in cooking pot. Then add the remaining ingredients and leave them to simmer for an hour on very slow burner. • 2.Mix Madruba ingredients and put on serving plates, add one spoon of butter on the surface before being served. • • Twitter - / bahrainifood1 • Instagram - / bahrainifood