Ardaas Shivpreet Singh Shabad Kirtan
Ardaas - This is part of Kirpa Dhaar Project which includes uplifting shabads during the pandemic of 2020. • To read complete post please see and other shabads in this series: • Origin of the word Ardaas • Ardaas comes from the Arabic Ardzasht. It is also used in Farsi as Ardz. The meaning is the same: petition, supplication, prayer, request. It is also related to the Sanskrit verb ard (अर्द) which means request, ask, beg . • This z in Ardzasht is one of the 4 z's in Arabic ... and this one is derived from d and therefore in Punjabi and Hindi we say Ardaas (just like Ramadaan for Ramzaan, and Nadar for Nazar). It is pronounced like a mix of a soft d and z ... just like pizza is pronounced as Peetzaah with a t and z . • Other Recordings • This is one of three recordings of this composition. I composed this in 1996. It was done in my last year when I was a student at Berkeley and used to live in the Sikh Ashram, 2 blocks north of the campus. It was included in the the first album I released in 1997. A second studio version was recorded with bansuri, piano, sax (Jeremy Marais) and cello (Suellen Primost) and released in 2014. • Where does the Shabad Come From? • Nit kar Ardaas: The shabad comes from Guru Amardas and is part of a vaar ... a ballad, in Raag Gujri and can be found on Page 512. The heading (sirlekh) for this ballad can be found on GGS Page 508. • Gūjrī kī vār mėhlā 3 sikanḏar birāhim kī vār kī ḏẖunī gā▫uṇī • Goojaree Ki Vaar, Third Mehl, Sung In The Tune Of The Vaar Of Sikandar Biraahim: • There must have been a popular tune that sang the praises of Sikandar and Ibrahim Lodi, the two rulers of the Lodi dynasty during the time of Guru Nanak. I have heard that Patiala university researchers under the direction of Dr. Gurnam Singh have done some research on this tune. • Where does the quote in the beginning of the shabad come from? • This quote comes from the same vaar; it is a shloka written by Guru Amardas that is an introduction to the Pauri: • • Mėhlā 3. • Third Mehl: • Miṯẖā so jo bẖāvḏā sajaṇ so jė rās. • That which is pleasing is sweet, and one who is sincere is a friend. • Nānak gurmukẖ jāṇī▫ai jā ka▫o āp kare pargās. ||2|| • O Nanak, he is known as a Gurmukh, whom the Lord Himself enlightens. ||2|| • Lyrics Transliterated in English • Prabh Paas Jan Ki Ardaas • Prabh Paas Jan Ki Ardaas • Tu Sacha Saayin • Tu Rakhvaala Sadaa Sadaa • Haun Tudh Dhyaayin • Jee Jant Sab Tereya • Tu Raheya Samaayin • Jo daas Tere Ki Ninda Karai • Tis Maar Pachaayin • Chintaa Chhad Achint Raho • Nanak Lag Paayin • My humble prayer to Prabhu - My Translation in English • Prabhu, this is my humble petition: • that you are the true master • that you always protect me • and I meditate on You. • that all life and creatures are yours • and you permeate all • that one who slanders your servant • is vanquished completely • that renouncing my worries, I am carefree • at your feet • Sahib Singh Translation in Punjabi and Hindi - See blog • Transliteration and Translation • Paoṛī. • Pauree: • Parabẖ pās jan kī arḏās ṯū sacẖā sāʼn▫ī. • O God, Your humble servant offers his prayer to You; You are my True Master. • Ŧū rakẖvālā saḏā saḏā ha▫o ṯuḏẖ ḏẖi▫ā▫ī. • You are my Protector, forever and ever; I meditate on You. • Jī▫a janṯ sabẖ ṯeri▫ā ṯū rahi▫ā samā▫ī. • All the beings and creatures are Yours; You are pervading and permeating in them. • Jo ḏās ṯere kī ninḏā kare ṯis mār pacẖā▫ī. • One who slanders Your slave is crushed and destroyed. • Cẖinṯā cẖẖad acẖinṯ rahu Nānak lag pā▫ī. ||21|| • Falling at Your Feet, Nanak has renounced his cares, and has become care-free. ||21||