How Bosses Demoralize Employees Your Practice Ain’t Perfect Joe Mull
Imagine Your Workplace Conference • Official event website: • Employee well-being is pivotal to a thriving workplace. This radical event addresses employee productivity by delivering and examining trendsetting information on leading, managing, culture and wellness. • Every Canadian business leader and HR professional interested in improving employee well-being is welcome. For the love of humanity, join us. • Lightning Talk Session: • Not-So Social at Work • Jane O’Reilly, PhD • Assistant Professor, Telfer School of Management – University of Ottawa • Summary: • What happens when an employee feels excluded from the social circle at work? While it is perhaps easy to recognize that being harassed or belittled is a psychologically painful experience, we often assume that ‘simply’ being left out is, at least in a comparative sense, innocuous. In some cases, the negative impact of social exclusion is even worse than the outcomes associated with harassment. In this talk, I will discuss a growing body of research including the nature, incidence, and impact of social exclusion, as well as management strategies for limiting its existence. • Dr. O’Reilly is an Assistant Professor in the area of organizational behaviour and human resource management at the Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa. Her leading-edge research examines informal workplace interactions and relationships. Dr. O’Reilly has committed most of her time studying the incidence and impact of workplace mistreatment for over eight years, and her work is published in leading peer-reviewed management journals.