Giant Elephant Ears Alocasia Macrorrhizo Complete Care tips and Guide


Tropical plants in the Alocasia genus feature stunning foliage that can become the centerpiece of a garden or room. In the right conditions, they can grow very fast, but they are also sensitive plants. Alocasia grows well in big pots; they can thrive in the summertime and then be brought indoors in the winter. • Light • Needs vary from shade to full sunlight, depending on the variety. Ask the grower if the plant is sun-trained. Leaf color tends to be better among plants that grow best with more light. • • Soil • Plant in loose, well-drained potting mix or a crumbly loamy soil. Try to let the top few inches of soil become nearly dry before watering. This will help keep it evenly moist. Soggy soil makes the plant susceptible to many fungal infections. • • Water • Keep Alocasia plants moist all year; they are water-loving plants. There is a fine line with these plants. You want to keep the soil moist, but not soggy. They require less water during the winter months because the plant is dormant. • • Temperature and Humidity • Alocasias will start to suffer below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Some varieties will die back during colder weather and resprout from the rhizome. They thrive in very humid environments. To raise the humidity around your plant, place it on a tray filled with pebbles and then add water until it rises to just below the bottom of the pot. Keep them away from cold drafts from windows, doors, and air conditioning. • Fertilizer • Alocasias can be heavy feeders, especially large specimens. Feed with liquid fertilizer during the growing season or frequent, small applications of granule fertilizer. • Potting and Repotting • Repot Alocasia varieties annually into larger pots with fresh, free-draining potting soil. Also, it's best to divide the rhizome annually to keep the plant a manageable size and increase your collection. • Propagating Alocasia Plants • Most Alocasia plants can be propagated by clump or rhizome division. Cut off a piece of the underground rhizome and pot it up separately, then keep it warm and moist until new growth begins. • Common Pests/Diseases • While quite striking, these plants can be quite sensitive. A variety of diseases including crown, stem, and root rot, Leaf Spot, and Xanthamonas are particularly common with alocasia plants. Signs of diseases are typically black or dark brown spots on the leaves and a yellowish rim around the spots. Diseases can be prevented by avoiding over-watering, keeping the leaves dry, and providing proper air circulation around and near the plant. • Common pests of the Alocasia plants are mealy bugs, scale, aphids, and spider mites. Every few weeks, you can spray the plant with warm soapy water to prevent these pests. This will help keep the plant dust-free. If an infestation does occur, use an ultra-fine insecticide oil or Neem Oil. These products will kill the pests and their eggs. • #alocasiamacrorrhizo


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