Decimals in measuring units grade 5 math


We study simple conversions between metric measuring units that are based on the conceptual understanding of decimals. For example, since we know that 0.001 (one-thousandth) of a meter is a millimeter, then 5 millimeters means 5 thousandths of a meter, and as a decimal is written 0.005 m. • Another example. The prefix centi basically means one hundredth. So, 6 centiliters literally means 6 hundredths of a liter, or 0.06 L. • So, this understanding of decimal place value gives us an easy means of converting quantities expressed in derived units back to the basic unit (such as meter, liter, or gram). • Check out also my other video on the metric system where I explain the system of prefixes in much more detail: •    • Basics of the metric system and the c...  


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