Augusto Boal April 16 1931 May 2 2009 PART 1
Augusto Boal (April 16, 1931 - May 2, 2009) • After spending the past 2 weeks re-reading his books- i didn't expect to be putting up an obituary instead of a vlog. I found out today that he died on Saturday. • • I'd been tagged by KazukiSeirei a couple of weeks ago for another 5 facts tag, and i offered to vlog on something that really inspires me instead. • This is the man I intended to vlog on. • His work is truly inspirational to me, and I think, so very useful for the times we live in. • • I studied the theatre forms of Augusto Boal for 2 years- doing practical street theatre, invisible theatre, community drama, Theatre in Conflict Resolution and other dramatherapy. • I wanted to vlog about him and in particular, Invisible Theatre and how it works to empower people and create real social and political change. • I've had a load of little synchronicites that kept pointing me back to his work in the past month, learned i had missed a workshop he himself held here in London just 4 weeks ago... so it's a bit strange to hear he's died after I had been geeking out on his life's work when i hadn't looked at it in 10 years! • • I'll vlog more personally on him next week maybe- somehow not in the mood right now • :-( • • **************** • AN EXAMPLE OF INVISIBLE THEATRE- write up of what was planned and what transpired,, on the topic of Manufacturing Fear that took place in New York. • • • • ***************** • • • • Legendary Brazilian theater director Augusto Boal died this past Saturday at the age of 78, of respiratory failure after a long bout with leukemia. • The founder of the concept of the Theater of the Oppressed, was deeply influenced by the philosophy of fellow Brazilian Paulo Freire and his Pedagogy of the Oppressed. • Boals goal was to use the stage as a platform for social dialogue and to ultimately change society. To that end, he developed methods which encouraged the participation of audience members as spec-actors, rather than spectators. • Boal also created hundreds of games and exercises for actors and non-actors alike in readying them in a rehearsal for real life. Working with theater professionals as well as rural Brazilian farmers, Boals work did not find favor with the military dictatorship that ruled Brazil from 1964 to 1985 he was jailed, tortured and exiled to Argentina. Undeterred, the theater director and playwright returned to Brazil after the fall of the dictatorship by which time his work in broadening the Theater of the Oppressed movement had spread internationally. Boal often visited the US and mentored many activists including Hector Aristizabal. • • • • • • Ad astra per aspera • Peace