ዳኛው ማነው የመፅሀፍ ምረቃ ፕሮግራም Amb Tadelech Hailemikael dagnaw manew
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=HR0cW54K9A4
14:34 Opening and introduction by Endalegeta Kebede, Author, and historian • 18:40 Meaza Worku playwright and director – television and stage theatre • 30:47 Wro Zewde Abegaz - women’s rights advocate, UNICEF director (retired) • 56:05 Actor Abebe Balcha – (Othello, ሊስትሮ ኦፔራ, ሰው ለ ሰው) • 1:11:30 Yeshi Hailemikael (author’s sister) and Shembelel Berhanemeskel Redda (author’s daughter) የ መጽሃፍ ምርቃት ስነ ስርዐት (unsealing of the book) • 1:13:15 Haki Berhanemeskel Redda – Reflections “On Making Sense of History” • 1:20:52 Professor Dagnachew Assefa, Philosophy Addis Ababa University • 2:03 Ambassador Tadelech Hailemikael, author - Closing Remarks