Victrix Romes Italian Allied Legions
I enjoyed building the Imperial auxiliaries, and having painted a fair amount of Warlord Republican Legionnaires, it made sense to grab some allies for them when I found a set for a good price. • First off- it's in a box. That's interesting. I haven't seen many Victrix sets in boxes. Most I've got have been in thick plastic bags. Perhaps this was an earlier release. • The casting quality is nice and there's a variety of body and head designs. The poses are a bit static, which can be seen as either a positive or negative depending on what you plan on doing with these figures. I found the Imperial equivalents to be a bit more robust in terms of how varied they could be, but I have a feeling that the Imperials were a later release than these models. • The pilum they carry seem really thick. I couldn't remember the word while I filmed this! Another sign perhaps they are a bit of an older release. • I liked the Velites. I will mix in a few more pieces from other Victrix kits to make them more unique and to vary their poses up some more. • Overall it's not a bad kit. You get a lot of figures which is great if you want to bulk out a Republic- era army, but I prefer the newer sets that offer up a bit more dynamic poses and uniqueness. • Take a look at the rest of the Victrix catalog here! •