Paxinos Sign Acromioclavicular Joint Pathology
Acromioclavicular joint is a plane synovial joint formed between lateral end of clavicle and the acromion process of scapulae. Infact its made between a small facet on acromion process of scapula and the lateral end of clavicle. Its has 3 degrees of freedom, 2 ligaments a joint capsule and disc in between them.The Capsule of AC joint is weak and is reinforced by the ligaments of the joint. • The main ligaments of AC joint are ACROMIOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT, CORACOCLAVICILAR LIGAMENT. The acromioclavicular ligaments is made of two ligaments Superior and Inferior acromioclavicular ligament.The coracoclavicular ligament is made of CONOID AND TRAPEZIOD portions.Each of this is explained in detail. • Watch lecture for more details • • For more doubts and notes.............. • Follow my official Facebook page: / tonystutorial • or my Instagram profile: / tonystutorial • • TONY JOSEPH • ASSISTANT PROFESSOR • KANNUR MEDICAL COLLEGE