DIY Rock Candy


Here is what you'll need! • Rock Candy • MATERIALS • Cake pop stick • 1 cup water • 2-3 cups of sugar • 1 tablespoon food coloring • Mason jar • Clothespin • INSTRUCTIONS • 1. Dip a cake pop stick water, then dip into sugar. Set aside to dry, until the sugar has hardened on the cake pop stick. • 2. In a medium-sized pot, heat 1 cup of water and bring to a simmer. • 3. Slowly incorporate 2-3 cups of sugar into the hot water. Add sugar in about half a cup at a time until sugar can no longer dissolve in the water. Mix the solution consistently to ensure the sugar is dissolving. • 4. Add 1 tablespoon of food coloring to add color. • 5. Carefully pour the sugar mixture into a mason jar. • 6. Insert the dried sugar coated cake pop stick into the sugar solution. Make sure the stick does not not touch the bottom of the mason jar. • 7. Use a clothespin to hold the cake pop stick in place. • 8. Seat aside and avoid mixing for 3-5 days, to get the sugar crystals grow. • 9. Remove the cake pop stick from the mixture to reveal the sugar crystal. • 10. Allow the sugar crystal to hang dry from a mason jar. • 11. Once dried, enjoy as a lollipop, in drinks or as a decoration. • • Check us out on Facebook! - • Credits: • • MUSIC • Frizzle Drizzle_Main • Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc.


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