Napalm Death Utilitarian Full Album


Please support the band below! • Digital: • Physical: • Band: Napalm Death • Album: Utilitarian • Released: February 27, 2012 • Genre: Grindcore | Deathgrind • Country: United Kingdom • Label: Century Media Records • 01. Circumspect • 02. Errors in the Signals • 03. Everyday Pox • 04. Protection Racket • 05. The Wolf I Feed • 06. Quarantined • 07. Fall on Their Swords • 08. Collision Course • 09. Orders of Magnitude • 10. Think Tank Trials • 11. Blank Look About Face • 12. Leper Colony • 13. Nom de Guerre • 14. Analysis Paralysis • 15. Opposites Repellent • 16. A Gag Reflex • 17. Everything in Mono • What makes NAPALM DEATH so special? Well, let’s think back 30 years ago: Would you have thought that a grindcore band from Birmingham would ever make it into official album charts with some of the most infernal noise ever put on tape, enter the Guinness book for the shortest song ever recorded. From filthy, sweaty rehearsal rooms and tiny clubs and pubs NAPALM DEATH has conquered every music festival you can think off and toured through corners of the world a lot of bands would not even dare to tour while becoming famous for combining brutal music with political engagement and ethical values beyond the usual cliché of sex, drugs rock n roll. And, most fans will be delighted to hear, this remarkable story is far from being over… • Fourteen albums in and NAPALM DEATH still remain the leaders of the grindcore / death metal world, once again showing the upstarts how it's done. “Utilitarian” runs the gamut from straight-ahead violence and force to pure, undiluted NAPALM DEATH-induced chaos that overall provides a well-rounded bloodletting that's not for the weak and also confronts the listener with such surprising moments as the sax passages by none other than John Zorn on ‘Everday Pox’ or choral-like clean sections in ‘Fall On Their Swords’ or ‘Blank Look About Face’. True to the band’s tradition of spitting gallons of verbal venom, “Utilitarian” is an in-your-face razor-edged platter of social, cultural and political commentary. Far from being a placard-waving “cause” band, the quartet offer up personal views on the degeneration of society ('Everyday Pox'), the arms trade ('Fall On Their Swords'), sexual and gender expression (‘Gag Reflex’), the environment ('Order Of Magnitude') and aspects of every day life for the common man ('Collision Course', 'Think Tank Trials') revealing Barney’s understanding of what to do with your life: “We have a finite period of existence that is all too easy to waste, and ultimately we all deserve happiness and contentment.” The bottom line is: Think for yourself, liberate yourself and not end up feeding the machine that all too willingly eats you up. Ultimately, • NAPALM DEATH are special because they never sacrificed their ideals for anything mundane, will continue pleasing their fans with a stunning record named “Utilitarian” and ceaseless touring activities surrounding it while provoking world leaders with all the rage and criticism you can squeeze into a song. Extreme music’s raised fist is back!


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