Jeete Hain Chal Neerja Patriotic Dance Group Choreography
In this video you will learn how to do 5 basic tap dance steps that are the foundational elements of the style. You will also learn loose ankle technique so that you can start to develop your technique the right way by avoiding bad habits that create tension in your body. Once you get these steps into your system you'll be well on your way from being a beginner to becoming a master tap dancer. Enjoy! • Subscribe: • ------- TIMESTAMPS -------- • 00:00 - Intro • 00:12 - Ball Heel • 1:01 - Brush • 2:01 - Shuffle • 2:48 - Ball Change • 4:00 - Flap • 5:00 - Flap Heel • 5:46 - Stomps Stamps • 7:18 - Technique Drill with music