Upper Body Foam Roller Exercises 11 Upper Body Form Rolling Moves
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Upper Body Foam Roller Exercises - 11 Upper Body Form Rolling Moves • Foam rolling or Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) is an integral part of the Redefining Strength training program because it is essential for getting the most out of your workout and preventing and alleviating injury. • SMR or foam rolling is basically a form of self-massage to loosen up muscles and restore them to their proper length-tension relationships. • Any good workout program should start with foam rolling because it releases trigger points in the tight muscles and gets them to relax so you can stretch them. • Self-myofascial release (SMR) does this by “autogenic inhibition.” Basically what that means is that the pressure you apply with your hands or a foam rolling tool (roller, ball or such) on the tight muscle forces the muscle’s own receptors to relax it. • Foam rolling has the following benefits: • Corrects muscle imbalances • Improves joint range of motion • Relieves muscle soreness and joint stress • Increases extensibility of musculotendinous junction, giving you more flexibility and a full range of motion • Improves neuromuscular efficiency aka a better mind-body connection • Maintains normal functional muscular length • The Upper Body Foam Roller Moves: • 1. Thoracic Extension (0:15) • 2. Lat Foam Rolling (0:37) • 3. Chest Foam Rolling (0:58) • 4. Chest Shoulder U (1:14) • 5. Peanut Back Foam Rolling (1:36) • 6. Shoulder Foam Rolling (1:55) • 7. Trap Foam Rolling (2:09) • 8. Doorway Chest Foam Rolling (2:25) • 9. Tricep Foam Rolling (2:45) • 10. Forearm Foam Rolling (3:02) • 11. Bicep Foam Rolling (3:24)