Taugrims Protection Paladin 85 PVP Arena 2v2 Volume 1 Cataclysm
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=H_heJqGKslQ
This HD video is narrated footage of my 85 Prot Pally in Cataclysm Patch v4.0.3a in Arena 2v2 with an Enhancement Shaman, Kashmír. We won 18 out of 24 matches in which neither side lost a player due to DC. • This is my 6th Prot PVP video since 4.0 launched and my 1st at 85 in Cataclysm. • This video features the following opposing comps at ~1800 MMR: • Feral Druid + Rogue • Warlock + Restoration Shaman • Mage + Enhancement Shaman • Warrior + Discipline Priest • Mage + Holy Paladin • Here is the link to our 2v2 team: • http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character... • Tips / Notes • As I talk about in my Prot PVP Guide, you should try whenever possible to not use Shield of the Righteous unless you have the Sacred Duty buff up. The reason is that SD guarantees that SotR will crit, and if you use SotR without SD you'll be using our Melee Crit rate, which with my gear was ~6% • If you need to bubble yourself to heal up, it's a good idea to use the first GCD after popping Divine Shield to cast Judgement, which procs your mana regen. Then spam-cast FoL. That way you can heal up without going bone dry on mana • CS is often my #1 source of damage (~22% of my total). This make sense given how frequently we can use it and the synergistic buffs to damage and crit from Wrath of the Lightbringer, Crusade, and Rule of Law • We did face comps that went after my partner since he can't bubble, but with his Wolves and the Paladin abilities Hand of Sacrifice, Divine Guardian, and Holy Radiance, we had instant-cast tools to extend his time-to-live. I usually charged in ahead of Kash to force opponents to deal with me, and shortly after Kash would engage • Attacking a Restoration Shaman is not a smart thing to do, it generates mana for the Shaman. LOLZ • I had thought that Seal of Truth and Retribution Aura were underwhelming at 85, but after looking at Recount from matches I realized that SoT and RA is still worth using. SoT is typically 10-12% of my total damage and RA against melees is ~3% • Errata: • The 2nd comp was incorrectly listed in the video as Warlock + Holy Paladin, but as I said in the video it was actually Warlock + Restoration Shaman • For detailed information about Prot PVP, check out my PVP Guide: • http://taugrim.com/2010/10/14/guide-w... • Please post feedback / questions / comments. Thanks! • And check out the next Arena video in the series: • • Taugrim's Protection Paladin 85 PVP: ...