The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Explained
The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Explained • This video gives a detailed explanation of what a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is, how it is developed and its components. The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan is an important document that must be used to operationalise implementation of M E activities. While there are 5 components in the Plan, this video briefly discusses the budget as being the key component. • Incase you are here for the first time or haven't done so already, subsribe to this channel on this link below: • Subscribe: / @memadesimple • Video Link: • The Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Ex... • The video emphasis on the need to develop and implement the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan as this demonstrates the institutions commitment to implement M E activities. • For further resources on the development and implementation of an M E Plan, refer to the links below. • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Refresher Training: • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan - Refr... • What is a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: • • what is an M E plan? Monitoring and E... • This topic is related to the following keywords • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Template, • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Steps, • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Sample, • Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Plan, • Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, • Developing Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for disaster response, • Project Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, • School Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Sample, • The image thumbnail is attributed to Image by